About Us
Flourishing Life Society HistoryThroughout the Flourishing Life Society website you will find a growing collection of insightful articles on the human experience. Flourishing Life Society started in 2010 a Facebook page. In 2011, I published my first article Ten Beacons of Light.
During the following months and years the collection grew, now over five hundred articles. The format has changed, articles have been edited and revised, but each published article remains on the site. I leave the articles as a testimony to the evolution of thought.
Flourishing Life Society ExpertiseBehind my name there are no fancy titles. I'm a curious investigator who spent tens of thousands of hours exploring the human experience. My journey began early. As a young man, my exposure to the best and worst of humanity as a law-enforcement officer collided with childhood beliefs (see Existential Funk).
Devastated by the loss of foundational beliefs to explain life's craziness, I went back to school, taking night and weekend classes. I graduated at the top of my class in psychology. I was now armed with a degree. Just enough knowledge to make one dangerous. The degree was the starting point. Since then, I have continued research, reading thousands of books, taking tens of thousands of pages of notes, and following several dozen academic journals. Since retirement in 2018, I have become a full-time research professional. I still haven't found concrete answers to flourishing. I have resigned to complexity. The more you learn, the more you realize you don't know. I expressed this realization in detail in a recent article, My Amazing Discoveries in Wellness. While I can't promise everything is indisputable, I do promise that everything published at Flourishing Life Society is researched. Articles written from 2010-2017 were mostly my thoughts on a variety of wellness topic. Beginning in 2018, the style of writing changed. Perhaps, I realized that too much rah, rah and not enough substance did little good. The articles of the last few years typically are researched psychology topics. My hope and purpose is that the thousands of hours of work and research will benefit you on your own flourishing journey. Be well, be kind, and flourish. |